Page 32 - TPA Journal January - February 2019
P. 32

Technology                                         noticed during the rescue of hostages at the
          The sound of the trumpets and the sudden light     Entebbe Airport in 1976.  When the Israeli rescue
        produced by breaking the clay pots covering the      force made entry into the airport terminal where
        torches produced an effect similar to the flash-     the hostages were being held, they shouted
        bang grenades used by modern tactical units.  The    commands in Hebrew and English for the
        modern devices consist of a non-fragmenting          hostages to stay on the floor.   The noise of the
        cardboard canister, approximately the size of a      entry, coupled with the use of multiple languages,
        toilet paper insert, filled with gunpowder and       produced fear, confusion and panic among some
        magnesium and activated by a standard grenade        of the hostages.  Although most of the hostages
        fuse.                                                followed directions properly, a small number
                                                             either rose to see what was happening or
           The bright flash up to one million foot-candles   attempted to flee the scene.  Regardless of their
        causes a temporary blindness (eight to twenty-five   intentions, they were caught in a cross-fire
        seconds) while the pupils adjust to the extremes of  between the terrorists and the rescue force.  In
        darkness and light particularly at night.  The loud  essence, they unwittingly compounded the
        sound of 175 decibels produces a temporary           problem.  Consequently, the need to develop the
        deafness among all who are nearby and can also       means to produce a temporary disorientation and
        produce temporary vertigo (imbalance) among          incapacitation among hostages and terrorists alike
        some people when the inner ear is vibrated by the    was quickly recognized and the commercially
        sound waves and blast pressure (Pushies, 2016).      produced less-lethal weapons industry was born.
        Anyone subjected to these extreme levels of visual
        and auditory stimulation and the resulting sensory                      Conclusion
        deprivation will also feel a certain amount of        The Bible was written using the language and
        confusion and even panic.  If the sound and light    analogies of shepherds, farmers, fishermen,
        are sudden and unexpected and the individual has     craftsmen, and traders of the era.  However,
        not experienced the sensation before, the effects    principles are applicable to modern vocations—in
        are even more profound.   Topical disorientation     this case law enforcement organizations and
        results whereby the individual is unable to make     personnel.  Similar to the troops under Gideon’s
        use of selective spatial information for fighting,   command, today’s specialized units must be
        flight, or negotiation.  In short, the individual is  properly organized, staffed, trained, and equipped
        unable to use any form of internal roadmap that      to use whatever tactics may be necessary to
        results from memorized landmarks or cognitive        neutralize the actions of the adversary
        strategies.   The tactics and the skills needed to   successfully, safely, and legally.  Whether we are
        employ them successfully are perishable.  Just as    discussing SWAT teams, homicide detectives,
        an athlete develops automatic responses to the       undercover investigators, or underwater evidence
        fluid actions of an opponent, the effectiveness and  technicians, the organizational principles are the
        efficiency of the response is possible only through  same:
        continuous supervised training and practice.          1. As the fulfillment of an organization’s
                                                                 mission becomes more complicated, the need
          The need for temporary disorientation was              for specialization increases correspondingly.

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