P. 179

Table 20. Item Fit of Writing Test

                              Item                        Infit     Outfit     Outfit    PtMeas.Corr.
                                                          Mnsq      Mnsq        Zstd
                              Introductory Paragraph      1.16       1.10        .5           .70
                              Body Paragraphs             1.05       1.03        .2           65
                              Concluding Paragraph        1.50       1.43       2.5           .64
                              Relevance                    .93        .89        -.5          .74
                              Coherence                    .79        .79       -1.2          .72
                              Cohesion                    1.00        .97        -.1          .67
                              Grammar                      .86        .95        -.2          .58
                              Vocabulary                   .56        .55       -3.2          .74
                              Spelling                     .79        .80        -.6          .54
                              Capitalization              1.11       1.07        .3           .48
                              Punctuation Marks            .62        .73       -1.3          .74
                              Length of the Text          1.54       1.49       2.5           .55

                                      The presented table indicates that the majority of items meet the four

                               specified requirements, with the exception of the "concluding paragraph"

                               and  “vocabulary”  item.  This  particular  item  exhibits  a  misfit  value

                               concerning the Zstd criterion for the outfit, as well as the "length of the text"

                               item, which demonstrates misfit values for both the Mnsq and Zstd criteria.

                               Interestingly, all items meet the criteria of point measure correlation which

                               indicate  that  all  items  are  very  good.  The  findings  suggest  that  each

                               component of the analytic scoring rubric utilized to evaluate argumentative

                               text writing skills is regarded as suitable, implying that all components are

                               functioning  adequately  and  capable  of  measuring  students'  writing


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