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from one rater to the next is a crucial reliability aspect in rating scale

                                  development. Knoch suggests a number of different types of reliability

                                  estimates and factors contributing to reliability were measured as part of

                                  the facets analysis by analyzing the rater measure report. The assessment

                                  of rater consistency in MFRM analysis can be observed through the fit

                                  values,  particularly  the  outfit  values,  produced.  The  character  of  the

                                  raters can be observed through the fitness values produced by the raters.

                                  Table 21. Rater Measure Report

                                  The rater measurement table in Table 21 demonstrates that the inter rater

                                  measurement findings are acceptable because all score meet the criteria

                                  of fitness (infit MnSq = 0.90 and 1.05, outfit Mnsq = .93 and 1.03, outfit

                                  ZStd = -.9 and (.4), and point measurement correlation values of 0.72 and

                                  .68) since they meet the criteria for “outfit MnSq = 0,5 – 1,5, ZStd = -2 -

                                  +2, and point measurement correlation = 0,4 - 85). Aside from that, the

                                  study results reveal a "separation" score of 4.77, signifying "good."  A

                                  decent  separation  score,  according  to  standards,  is  a  score  of  3.  A

                                  reliability  score  of  0.96  is  regarded  satisfactory.  Meanwhile,  the

                                  percentage of agreement among raters is 62.5%, which is close to 45.2%.

                                  Good inter-rater agreements, according to Sumintono (2022) the range is

   176   177   178   179   180   181   182   183   184   185   186