P. 184

2)  Reliability

                                  Validity and reliability tests are essential things that need to be fulfilled

                                  so that the instruments used in research can have trustworthiness. In the

                                  Rasch model, validity and reliability tests can be seen in the person and

                                  item measure table by analyzing several aspects shown in the following

                                  Table 23.

                                  Table 23. Summary Statistics of Person and Items of SA Instrument

                                                      Summary of Measure Person

                                                       Summary of Measure Items

                                  CRONBACH ALPHA (KR-20) Person RAW SCORE "TEST" RELIABILITY = .98  SEM = .92

                                  The summary statistics in table 23 provide general information about the

                                  respondents, the instruments utilized, and the person-item interactions.

                                  The average score of respondents on the SA instrument is depicted in

                                  Figure 1 as a value of 74. In addition, Alpha Cronbach's coefficient is

                                  used to measure reliability, or the interaction between a person and an

                                  item. Figure 1 displays a Cronbach's Alpha score of 0.98. Person and

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