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writing abilities. However, some parts should be improved, as presented in
the following table.
Table 28. The Modification of Action in Cycle2
Reflection Evaluation of Cycle 1 Revision on Cycle2
Students Too many exercises affected Simplifying the exercise and
the implementation of SA and focusing on generating arguments
PA ineffectively. to help students’ comprehension on
More exercises on vocabulary argumentative writing.
rather than on how to generate Guiding students to SA and PA
Needing assistance in SA and
Lecturers Students’ problems in Distributing students with mix-
collaborative writing and language ability.
SA/PA because they were Re-teaching the use of the article,
distributed unequally based on SV-agreement, how to replace
their language ability. “noun” with pronoun or synonym.
Students’ common problems in Explaining the coherent
using noun identity and SV- organization of ideas.
agreement. Most students did The feedback was provided through
not control using “article” for the utilization of the chat feature in
singular nouns and added “s/es” Google Docs, with the aim of
for plural nouns. maximizing interaction among
Students’ writing lacked using students.
Students' writing still lacked
The feedback was insufficient
using Zoom because some
students were uncomfortable
discussing their mistakes.
In general, the researcher and the lecturers implemented teaching
strategies comparable to those employed in Cycle 1, albeit with modifications
informed by the outcomes of the reflection process. The exercises in the
BKOF and MDOT sessions concentrated on creating arguments, articulating