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have yielded outstanding results. These findings indicate that the model meets
the Plomp (2013) effectiveness and practicality criteria when incorporated
into the designed learning process.
The acceptability and practicability of this model in reviewing and
revising written results based on feedback from peers and lecturers is due to
an e-learning platform that is user-friendly for the user and his devices. He is
no longer required to install the app on his device. When someone uses
Google Docs, they must already have a Google account. Furthermore, anyone
can easily store important files for free, which can be accessed at any time,
from any location, and on any ICT device. This also makes providing
feedback on student writing scripts easier for lecturers.
Hence, regarding the prevalent problem of internet connectivity, as
highlighted by scholars such as Cahyadi et al. (2022) and Thamrin et al.
(2023), it is fortunate that this issue did not arise during the online session.
Even when they need to access e-learning platforms during in-class
interaction, they can use the internet-WiFi connectivity provided by the
university. The students were willing to use their own Internet data when they
had trouble connecting to the WIFI. It indicates that the proposed model's
learning processes were well received by the students.
Additionally, the quality of the model is also demonstrated by students'
motivation to review and revise their written results based on the SA, PA, and
LA results presented in the following sub-sections.