P. 195
2. The Quality of the Students’ Argumentative Writing
This section presents findings for the effects of the model on the qualities of
the students’ argumentative text from first to the last draft in each cycle.
According to Renandya et al. (2018); Richards (2006), writing as a means of
communication should meet fluency and accuracy, which are included in the
rating scale. While fluency is part of the number of words per time allotment,
accuracy deals with the number of mistakes/errors in the language used
(Knoch, 2009). In addition, the quality of the students provided the argument
and supporting ideas were also elaborated.
The multipurpose assessment model in blended learning of writing texts
involves students in evaluating their text production through self-and peer
assessment assisted by rubric-based guidelines. Then they improved their text
accordingly. This model not only taught students how to evaluate their learning
achievement but also how to assess their strengths and weaknesses in terms of
producing EFL texts. As a result, they practiced writing by drafting multiple
similar texts and constructing knowledge in order to enhance their writing skills.
In short, this model provides opportunities to students as agents of learning and
assessment, which can be seen in how they improved their writing from one
draft to another based on the rubric and various feedback from self, peers, and
the lecturer. The students were very active to review and revise their text.