P. 200

Figure 24 shows how students' argumentative writing skills improved

                            steadily  (from  draft  version  to  revised  versions)  from  Cycle  1  to  Cycle  2.

                            Nevertheless, it appears that students encounter challenges when it comes to

                            constructing  refutable  paragraphs  and  substantiating  their  arguments.  In

                            addition  to  the  aforementioned  challenges,  participants  also  have  difficulty

                            when  attempting  to  effectively  reiterate  their  stance  within  the  concluding

                            paragraph.  Interestingly,  all  students  can  provide  background  information

                            throughout their drafts in Cycle 2.

                                      Then the researcher analyzed the components of communicative text.

                            According to Renandya et al. (2018); Richards (2006), writing as a means of

                            communication should meet fluency and accuracy, which are included in the

                            rating scale. While fluency is part of the number of words per time allotment,

                            accuracy  deals  with  the  number  of  mistakes/errors  in  the  language  used

                            (Knoch,  2009).  In  this  study,  the  researcher  analyzed  the  students'  text

                            performance  from  the  first  draft  to  the  next  draft  in  three  areas:  paragraph

                            length,  grammar  accuracy,  and  spelling,  because  she  could  observe  the

                            students' effort by seeing the trend index as empirical data.

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