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of both items were further assessed using the Rasch model. In summary, all

                             instruments have been duly verified as being genuine and reliable tools for

                             aiding students in the process of evaluating their drafts and enhancing their

                             language skills.

                        C.   The Quality of the Model and Users’ Voices

                        This part addresses the final research statements with three research questions about

                        how the students benefit from the implementation of the model, the students writing

                        profiles,  and  their  perspectives  on  adopting  the  model.  The  perspectives  of  the

                        lecturers are also elaborated. The enhancements in the learning quality and student

                        learning outcomes, particularly the quality of the students’ argumentative writing

                        indicate  that  the  developed  and  implemented  model  satisfies  the  criteria  for

                        effectiveness and practicality (Plomp, 2013), which are elaborated in the following


                             1.  The Quality of the Model Implementation

                             The model's quality influences the ease of use by students and lecturers in

                             designed teaching and learning activities, the results of which can improve

                             the quality  of student learning outcomes (Plomp, 2013). Similarly, Akker

                             (van den Akker, 2013) stated that the practicality of a product refers to the

                             degree to which users consider the product clear and usable. Widihastuti and

                             Suyata (2014) also stated that the practical analysis of the model could be

                             identified  from  the  model's  implementation,  which  was  76%  (excellent).

                             According to this definition, operational practicality in this research can be

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