P. 187

Table 25 depicts that all items of the PA instrument are fit with the model,

                               except text’s length. However, even though it does not meet three criteria,

                               its point measure correlation is still in the allowable limit. Therefore, the

                               researcher still keep it as the item of the instrument.

                                    2)  Reliability

                               Table 26. Summary Statistics of PA Instrument

                                                     Summary of Measured Person

                                                      Summary of Measured Item

                                CRONBACH ALPHA (KR-20) Person RAW SCORE "TEST" RELIABILITY = 0,99  SEM = .96

                               Table 26 presents  summary statistics of PA instrument,  which provides

                               general information about the respondents and items. This summary also

                               provides the interaction between them. While the reliability of measured

                               person is .83 indicating good, the measured item reliability is .79 indicating

                               fair. The PA instrument has Alpha Cronbach with 1,00 which categorizing

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