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item  reliability  indicates  the  extent  to  which  measurements  generate

                                  identical information. In other words, if the measurement is conducted

                                  by  a  different  party,  the  outcomes  will  not  vary  significantly.  The

                                  reliability  scores  for  the  person  and  item  components  of  the  SA

                                  instrument are 0.90 and 0.79, respectively. The separation score can also

                                  be used to identify the groping of items and individuals because it can

                                  distinguish groups of respondents and groups of items; the higher the

                                  separation  score,  the  higher  the  instrument  quality  in  terms  of  all

                                  respondents and things. Person and item separation scores are 3.01 and

                                  1.93, respectively.

                                            Besides, the quality of the instrument can be analyzed through the

                                  respondents’  understanding  in  differentiate  the  scale,  SA  instrument

                                  consists of four scale (from very satisfied to  very  dissatisfied). Their

                                  understanding  reflects  at  the  score  of  observation  average  and  Andri

                                  Threshold in Table 24.

                                  Table 24. Rating Scale of SA Instrument

                                  Table  shows  both  the  score  of  observation  average  and  Andrich

                                  Threshold  star  from  the  lowest  to  highest  score,  which  indicate  the

                                  description  of  each  scale  (1to  4)  is  clear  and  understood  well  by  the

   180   181   182   183   184   185   186   187   188   189   190