P. 174

difficulty when they were writing a text. They were assigned to group-based

                             SA as soon as they had constructed the text. It intended to practice them to

                             evaluate their work.

                                       Next,  they revised the text,  swapped with  another  group for  group-

                             based PA, and revised the draft before submitting it to the lecturer through

                             Google Drive (Gdrive). The students were guided by SA and PA sheets in

                             doing SA and PA. The lecturers also helped students when they did SA and

                             PA. Then, the lecturers provided feedback online, assisted by Google Docs

                             and Zoom meetings. In giving feedback, the lecturer sencouraged students to

                             confirm or ask questions regarding their feedback.

                                     The  last  stage  was  ICOT,  in  which  students  constructed  the  text

                             independently and individually. They were given a writing test with the rubric

                             attached to the test for an hour. After that, they did SA independently and

                             revised it afterward. Then, the lecturers assigned students to PA. In doing SA

                             and PA, they were guided by the SA and PA sheets. Since the students still

                             needed assistance in doing PA, it was conducted in the class and took time.

                             In providing feedback, the students only checked the list of the characteristics

                             of the intended text stated in the SA/PA sheets and commented. Neither did

                             they elaborate on the feedback nor gave scores. After that, they revised the

                             second  draft  and  submitted  the  final  draft  in  G-drive  for  the  lecturer's

                             feedback,  assisted  by  Google  Docs  and  Zoom  meetings.  The  students

                             received interactive feedback by allowing them to raise questions regarding

                             the  feedback  they  received.  However,  a  few  students  clarified  and  asked

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