P. 170

According to Figure 19, the majority of students are situated within the range

                             of -2 to +2 on the scale, which spans from -4 to +6. Objects positioned above

                             the  0.00  mark  on  the  "ruler"  are  classified  as  complicated,  while  those

                             positioned below 0.00 are categorized as easy. For instance, it can be observed

                             that  student  38  and  40  exhibit  proficient  writing  abilities  following  their

                             exposure to the implemented model. Conversely, student 5, 34, and 32 have

                             not improved their writing skills. As a result, instructors prioritize ways to

                             assist them in improving their learning process.

                             7.  Summary of the Findings

                                       The initial model was built through a comprehensive examination of

                             relevant literature and prior research and by conducting thorough searches for

                             NA. The findings from the NA results indicate the necessity of implementing

                             an assessment procedure that can effectively support students in improving

                             their  writing  abilities,  explicitly  focusing  on  enhancing  their  skills  in

                             composing  argumentative  texts.  Consequently,  a  multipurpose  assessment

                             model  was  established,  designed  to  generate  feedback  for  learners  and

                             teachers for continuous learning improvement. The model encompasses a set

                             of specifications, procedures, and components.

                                       To  ensure  the  validity  of  the  products  derived  from  this  particular

                             model, it is important to conduct a content validity assessment, which entails

                             the involvement of four experts. Additionally, a readability evaluation must

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