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Then, the stage of modeling or deconstructing of the text (MDOT) in

                             which the students examined and deconstructed the text in a group. This stage

                             comprises several  activities.  In this  context,  they were provided with  two

                             models of an argumentative text. They were assigned to analyze the model of

                             the texts assisted with tables distributed in their worksheets. After that, the

                             lecturers led the discussion of the result, which aimed to compare the students'

                             views on the topic and the pattern of the argumentative text. In this stage, the

                             students modeled the argumentative text through activities, such as discussing

                             the generic structure of the text, the pattern of the text, vocabulary, sentence

                             patterns, grammar used, and paraphrasing some expressions from the text.

                             EVRL sessions emphasized student-centered learning. On the other hand, the

                             BKOF and MDOT relied more on the lecturers to assist students in acquiring

                             writing and content knowledge.

                                       The next session was JCOT, which aims to practice writing a text. In

                             this stage, they still practiced to construct collaboratively with the lecturers’

                             help. However, prior to constructing the text, they reconstructed a jumbled

                             sentence  to  be  a  coherent  paragraph.  It  intended  to  strengthen  their

                             understanding of the structure of the intended text, so that they were ready to

                             write (Dirgeyasa, 2016). This phase focused on students' readiness to write

                             before  they  compose  independently.  Therefore,  they  had  a  collaborative

                             writing for 50 minutes with  ten minutes for planning.  They  were given a

                             writing test sample with an attached analytical scoring rubric. It was intended

                             to assist them in writing a text. The lecturers assisted based on the group's

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