P. 168

The revised model design was then resubmitted to the validators for

                             verification of its conformity to their recommendations. If the revision did not

                             meet the intentions given by the validators, the researcher revised it until it

                             was in accordance with the recommendations provided by the validators.

                                       Field testing ensures that all instruments employed are clear and can be

                             understood  by  students,  instructors,  and  raters  throughout  instrument

                             operation. Several modifications had been made to the misspellings across

                             the  documents.  However,  because  all  of  the  writing  parts  of  the  analytic

                             scoring  rubric  met  the  criteria  of  item  fit  based  on  the  many-facet  Rasch

                             Measurement, no adjustments were made to the writing test’s construct.

                             6.  Interpreting Students’ Writing Achievement

                             A score will be generated from assessing student writing scripts against the

                             analytical scoring criteria. These findings must be appropriately interpreted as

                             the foundation for improved learning. The researcher employed evaluation

                             procedures  in  higher  education  based  on  national  education  standards  to

                             investigate if the learning process influences student learning outcomes. The

                             assessment scores range from 1 to 100. Because the assessment rubric is built

                             with an assessment weight for each element of writing whose final result is

                             100, student score values do not need to be converted based on this interval.

                             The minimal passing score is 56 which equals C.

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