P. 164

The fit order item can be examined based on the values of  Infit

                                 Mnsq,  Outfit  Mnsq,  Outfit  Mnsq,  and  Point  Measure  Correlation

                                 (Sumintono  &  Widhiarso,  2015).  The  provisions  for  reviewing  the

                                 suitability of the fit item or non-conformity of the fit item are that the

                                 Mnsq value is at 0.50 - 1.5, or if the score is close to 1, it will be better.

                                 The Zstd value is -2 – (+) 2, or the closer it is to 0, the better. Meanwhile,

                                 the  Point  Measure  Correlation  has  values  ranging  from  0.40  to  0.85.

                                 However, if one of these conditions is met, the item can be considered fit

                                 (Bond & Fox, 2015; Sumintono & Widhiarso, 2015; Yudiarso, 2023).

                                 Table18.  Item-fit Analysis of the Preliminary Filed Testing

                                                             Infit     Outfit   Outfit
                                          Items              Mnsq      Mnsq      Zstd    PtMeas.Corr.
                                 Introductory Paragraph      1.53       1.00      .1          .47
                                 Body Paragraphs             1.15       1.07      .3          .57
                                 Concluding Paragraph         .91       .75       -.4         .64
                                 Relevance                   1.40       1.22      .7          .72
                                 Coherence                   1.15       .99       .0          .56
                                 Cohesion                     .65       .40       -.4         .51
                                 Grammar                      .54       .42       -.7         .60
                                 Vocabulary                  1.23       1.15      .4          .46
                                 Spelling                    1.02       .94       -.1         .54
                                 Capitalization              1.41       1.32      1.2         .43
                                 Punctuation Marks            .76       .73      -1.1         .68
                                 Length of the Text           .61       1.02      .1          .58

                                      Table 18 shows that all items meet all criteria, except "introductory

                               paragraph", “cohesion”, and “grammar”. However, they meet three other

                               three criteria. Overall, it can be concluded that all the analytical assessment

                               rubric items for argumentative text writing skills are said to be fit, which

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