P. 161

discussing  whether  this  model  expressly  incorporated  formative

                                     assessment  concepts.  She  also  suggested  presenting  the  successful

                                     indicators in tables and citing the sources, how to communicate the

                                     results, and how to apply the assessment process results to improve

                                     learning. Furthermore, V3 suggested putting the writers' names in the

                                     left middle of the cover and putting the institution's name next to the


                                     Figure 15. The Revision of the Model Guide Book’s Cover

                             4.  The Qualities of the Initial Products

                             In addressing the remaining aspect of the third research topic, namely the

                             empirical validity of the instrument, the researcher carried out an initial trial

                             of the model's product concerning the readability and constructability of its

                             components for evaluating argumentative writing skills. While a readability

                             test typically involves the participation of students, lecturers, and a targeted

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