P. 158
The comments provided by the validators are displayed in the table
presented below.
Table 16. The summary of the reviewed instrument
Initial instrument After revisions
No instructions are provided on the PA The PA sheet was included with
page regarding how to evaluate a text written instructional guidelines.
by a peer (V1, V4)
No query should require an explanation answer Any items that require students to
(V4). provide explanations in their
Some items cannot be accommodated by responses, had been removed
simply filling in the 1–4 slots (V3, V4).
The PA instrument contained unnecessary Unnecessary items had been
components; consider the time required for removed, for example items O3-
students to perform the PA (V1, V2). O8, C1, C8-C11, LU3,LU4, LU9,
LU11, LU13, LU15.
Still, some sentences contained misspelling Corrected spelling errors.
errors. (all validators)
c. Guideline Book of the Model
The guide for implementing the multifunctional assessment model is
a book containing information about assessing writing skills, particularly
argumentative text. The book also instructs readers on how to organize,
conduct, and analyze the results of assessing student writing skills and
learning outcomes using assessment principles that can be used to
improve the learning process. This book was created using theoretical and
empirical research. This book includes a strategy for integrating
assessment into genre-based approach and blended learning that results
from theoretical and need analysis.
The book is divided into several chapters: 1) Chapter One
discusses the background of the developed model; 2) Chapter Two covers