P. 155

Two items are classified as having moderate validity in terms of the

                               consistency between the terms used in the scoring rubric grid and the scoring

                               rubric. In addition, the rubric should clearly characterize the distinctions

                               between  the  scales.  However,  all  validators  recommended  in  using  the

                               rubric after revision.

                             Table 14. The summary of rubric-based SA sheets review

                            No.     Aspects                        Description                       V
                                               Self-assessment descriptions are created to
                             1                 correspond with learning objectives and

                                               achievement.                                          0.75
                                               Self-assessment descriptors were composed
                             2         Content   following the essay argumentative assessment
                                               rubric.                                               1.00

                                               Self-assessment descriptions are created and
                             3                 organized systematically based on the

                                               argumentative essay criteria.                         1.00

                             4                 Self-assessment was developed clearly and
                                               understood well by students/test takers               0.75

                             5                 Each expression was constructed using English
                                               pattern                                               0.83

                             6                 Using simple language that test takers/students can
                                               understand.                                           1.00

                                               The expressions presented have no dual meanings.      1.00
                                       Language use
                             8                 The language used corresponded to the student's
                                               language proficiency.                                 1.00

                             9                 Statements are spelled according to the English
                                               language.                                             0.75
                             10                Font, letter type, and letter size                    1.00

                             11     Writing    The appearance of the self-assessment format was
                                   technique   clear/not confusing.                                  1.00
                             12                The space between words is neither too close nor
                                               too far apart.                                        1.00

   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160