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observation  process.  Fortunately,  all  validators  agreed  that  it  met  the

                                  model's requirements and could be implemented after revision.

                                 b.  Assessment Instruments

                                            The  model  comprises  three  instruments:  a  self-assessment

                                 instrument, a peer-assessment instrument, and tests. On the other hand,

                                 the test should be aided by an analytical scoring rubric to assist students,

                                 lecturers,  and  raters  in  examining  the  text  created  by  the  students.

                                 Furthermore, the self and peer-assessment instruments were developed

                                 based  on  the  analytical  scoring  rubric.  An  analytical  scoring  rubric

                                 contains the rubric scale and criteria. In language skill assessment, rubric

                                 scale and criteria and their interpretations by raters act as "de facto" test

                                 constructs (Knoch, 2009; McNamara et al., 2002; McNamara, 1996).

                                           Before developing the writing test and the analytical scoring rubric,

                                 the  research  developed  the  grid  of  the  test  (appendix  4)  by  analyzing

                                 related  theories  regarding  writing  skills  and  existing  writing  scoring

                                 rubrics. The rubric was also developed by utilizing this grid.

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