P. 145
Table 8. The summary of lesson plan reviews
No Aspects Description V
1 The teaching-learning scenario arrangement is
straightforward, making assessments easier. 0.92
2 Organization The components of the teaching-learning
scenario were complete. 0.83
The teaching-learning scenario was organized
systematically. 1.00
The teaching-learning scenario was generated
4 using the principles of genre-based learning
cycles, as stated in the guidebook. 1.00
The teaching-learning scenarios were generated
5 using the formative assessment principles
outlined in the guidebook. 0.92
6 The teaching-learning scenario was generated
using flipped classroom learning principles. 0.83
The learning goals and outcomes were clearly
defined. 0.83
8 Content The relevance of learning goals and outcomes. 0.83
Describing the appropriateness of learning
approaches in terms of learning steps. 0.83
Learning steps are clearly and easily
comprehended. 0.92
11 Adequate descriptions of student and lecturer
activities for each learning stage. 1.00
Clarity of learning scenarios (stages of each
12 learning activity; before, during, and after
activities) 1.00
The use of language is in the pattern of English
sentences 1.00
14 Language The language used is communicative 1.00
use Each description is straightforward and easy to
understand. 1.00
16 No description has a twofold meaning 1.00
The appropriateness of the time allocation
Time setting employed 0.92
18 Each time spent on each stage of learning 1.00
19 The teaching-learning scenario can be utilized
to guide the teaching-learning process. 1.00
Usefulness Information gathered throughout the teaching-
20 learning process can be utilized to assess the
learning process's success. 1.00