P. 147

Table 9. The summary of students’ worksheets reviews

                                No            Aspect                         Description                  V
                                                               The arrangement of the student
                                 1                             worksheet was simple, making the
                                                               assessment easier                         0.92
                                                               Equipped with additional instructional
                                                               material                                  0.92
                                                               Student worksheets were arranged
                                 3                             systematically based on the flow of
                                           Organization        activities in the lesson plan,            1.00
                                                               Student activities in student worksheets
                                                               were designed using the principles of
                                                               genre-based learning cycles, as stated in
                                                               the guidance.                             1.00
                                                               Student activities on student worksheets
                                                               were designed using the formative
                                                               assessment strategies outlined in the
                                                               guidance.                                 0.92
                                 6                             The material was organized logically.     1.00
                                                               The description of the content was well-
                                                               organized.                                1.00
                                 8                             The content was relevant to everyday life  1.00
                                                               The presence of images can assist
                                 9                             students in understanding assignment
                                                               activities.                               0.83
                                                               The availability of charts can assist
                                10                             students in understanding the topic and
                                                               working on assignments.                   0.83
                                                               The use of language was in the pattern of
                                                               English sentences                         0.83
                                12                             The language used is communicative.       1.00
                                          Language use
                                13                             Each description is straightforward and
                                                               easy to understand.                       1.00
                                14                             No description has a twofold meaning.     1.00

                                15                             Student worksheets can serve as guides
                                                               for carrying out the learning process.    1.00
                                            Usefulness         Student worksheets illustrated the
                                16                             learning process and can be used to
                                                               assess the learning process's success.    1.00

   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151   152