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peer-assessment papers, a test, and analytic scoring rubrics. They were all
equipped with a grid to aid validators in understanding the contents of the
examined instruments. All instruments should be presented in the appropriate
content, organization, and presentation to ensure students learn well (Nunan,
1989). Furthermore, the model implementation guidebook is a reference for
users to ensure proper model usage. This procedure must be followed for the
implementation objectives to be met. The process of validating the content
involved several experts
3. Validation of the Initial Model Design
This section elaborates on responses to a part of the third research problem,
emphasizing the product quality, particularly content validity, as evaluated by
a. Teaching-Learning Devices
The multipurpose assessment model seeks to improve teaching-
learning to enhance students' writing skills, particularly writing the
argumentative texts. Consequently, teaching-learning devices, such as a
lesson plan and student worksheets, are required to support the assessment
procedure. In addition, a protocol for observing the processes was
In this study, the implementation of the model was incorporated
into the GBA-TBI and FCA learning cycles. The instructional plan was
developed considering the students’ writing issues raised in this study's