P. 138
The GBA-TBI learning cycle encompasses several steps, namely the
acquisition of background knowledge of the field (BKOF), the modification
or deconstruction of the text (MDOT), the joint construction of the text
(JCOT), and the independent construction of the text (ICOT). Nevertheless,
the study implemented a modification by incorporating an additional stage
preceding the initiation of the GBA learning cycle, known as exploratory
viewing, reading, and listening (EVRL). During this phase, the students were
instructed to access the provided Internet links to find background material
related to the topic of the desired text. It was made with the intention of giving
students background knowledge and information about the topic of the
intended text at hand. Consequently, the researcher also employed the flipped
classroom technique.
This model assessment procedure begins with establishing objectives
based on measured learning outcomes adapted to the text type. This type of
text conforms to the Writing for Professional Writing course syllabus. Thus,
lecturers or teachers clearly understand the sort of text being evaluated at the
initial phase of the assessment procedure.
Next, the researcher prepared assessment instruments based on A3
characteristics. This study focused on the role of students in SA and PA
(AaL), lecturer activities in providing feedback and improving the learning
process (AfL), and designing writing tests with valid assessment rubrics as a
basis for students and lecturers to provide corrective feedback (AoL).
Exposing students to exams and rating scales as summative assessment