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Even  though  there  was  a  small  percentage  of  students  responded

                             integrating ICT during the writing instruction, some lecturers (L2, L3, and

                             L5) agreed to use ICT tools for collecting students’ writing task and provide

                             feedback. The lecturers know Google Drive's storage benefits but never use

                             it for teaching-learning objectives.

                                     In conclusion, NA reveals a discrepancy between students' writing

                             skills and the writing skills they require. The findings of the analysis indicate

                             that to enhance students' writing skills, lecturers must consider the difficulties

                             they  encounter while learning to  write, as  well as the strategies they  will

                             require. It's clear from the questionnaire's response that students brought up a

                             few points, including access to many sources of feedback and a model of the

                             intended  content.    Hence,  it  is  imperative  to  include  a  multipurpose

                             assessment model into the framework of writing instruction, as this model

                             prioritizes providing feedback to learners and teachers, thereby facilitating

                             ongoing progress in the learning process. Furthermore, it facilitates student-

                             centered  learning  and  fosters  the  development  of  critical  thinking

                             skills, which have not been fully integrated into the current learning process.

                             Hence, this model is necessary in light of the students' concern to compose

                             academic writing that requires critical thinking.

                             2.  The Initial Model Design

                                       On  the  basis  of  problems  identified  through  initial  research  and

                             literature  review,  the  multipurpose  assessment  model  for  learning  writing

                             skills was developed. This section provides a detailed explanation in response

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