P. 133

Figure 12. The Percentage of Writing Issues

                                          Unclear scoring rubrics

                                         lack of writing practices
                                              Lack of feedback

                                       Lack of content knowledge
                                         Using contextual  words

                                Constructing grammatical sentences
                                 Organizing ideas to be a good texts

                                              Generating ideas

                                                            0   10  20  30   40  50  60  70   80  90  100

                                   Overall, Figure 12 shows that most students confirm that generating

                               ideas, organizing ideas into a good text, constructing grammatical sentences,

                               using contextual words are challenging. The interview's findings mirrored

                               the  questioner's  findings.  The  lecturers  reported  that  students'  language,

                               generating  ideas,  and  paragraph  organization  are  the  most  challenging


                               "Students take their time to come up with concepts and develop them in a
                               coherent  manner.  Simple  phrases  and  typical  language  selections  make
                               their writing boring”. (L2).
                               "Students' writing was just a collection of words; run-on sentences were
                               taken from other sources," (L4)
                               “Their grammar and cohesiveness were quite poor”. (L3)

                                   Regarding  students’  challenging  in  producing  a  good  text.  They

                               responded that lack of writing practices contributes the most, about 88 %.

                               Almost  half  of  the  students  responded  that  they  have  inadequate  of

   128   129   130   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138