P. 131

“Writing instruction prepares students to complete their final tasks”. (L4)
                               “Of course, teaching writing helps students become proficient in English
                               writing,  especially  when  they  are  getting  ready  to  write  their  final
                               assignment”. (L1, L2)

                                   However, writing in a second or foreign language differs from writing

                               in learner’s first language. When writing in the first language, for example,

                               writers must emphasize the content of their writing rather than the language

                               itself.  In  practice,  writers  who  write  in  English  as  a  second  or  foreign

                               language must divide their attention between the language component and

                               the text content. Writing for academic purposes necessitates the application

                               of  students'  critical  thinking  skills  in  order  to  expose  their  ideas  and

                               construct logical arguments.

                                   Therefore, she examined students’ views regarding the lack aspects.

                               The current study examined students' writing competency levels using the

                               Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), extensively used in

                               Europe and most Asian countries, including Indonesia, to assess English

                               ability. It was also utilized to look into the gap between the student's goals

                               for  learning  to  write  and  their  actual  level  of  proficiency.  The  students

                               evaluated their own writing abilities by examining the CEFR level-based

                               description of writing proficiency.

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