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criteria in the table ((Sumintono & Widhiarso, 2015). However, if one
of the three criteria is met, the item can be considered fit (Chan et al.,
2014; Rahman, 2023; Yudiarso, 2023).
Table 6. Standard Criteria for Item Fit of Rasch Model
Items Standard Criteria
Outfit MNSQ 0.5 – 1,5
Outfit ZSTD -2.0 – (+) 2.0
Point Measure Correlation (PT Mean 0.4 – 0.85
3) Scoring Quality by the Raters
Two raters rated the students' writing scripts. Hence, the inter-rater
reliability coefficient estimation for the assessment model in writing
script analysis is conducted using the Intraclass Correlation
Coefficient (ICC). This approach is employed to evaluate the level
of agreement among raters while providing an assessment. The
findings of the calculation of the reliability coefficient demonstrate
a contrast between the fluctuations induced by the measured
qualities and the overall fluctuations in measurement (Fleiss, 1975;
Widiarso, n.d.). The Intra-Class Correlation (ICC) is a statistical
measure that spans from 0, indicating no agreement, to +1, indicating
perfect agreement. The reliability coefficient between raters in this
study was calculated using the SPSS version 29 software, with a
minimum accepted agreement level of 0.70. Koo and Li (2016)