P. 130


                                        RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION

                        A.   The Results of the Initial Model Development

                             1.  Students’ and Lecturers’ Needs of the Multipurpose Assessment

                                 Model in Blended Learning of Writing Instruction

                                       After an in-depth literature review on AaL, AfL, AoL and their best

                             practices, the researcher did a need analysis to address the initial research

                             problem,  which  was  detailed  into  two  research  questions.  This  analysis

                             focused  on  the  needs  of  both  students  and  lecturers  concerning  the

                             multipurpose assessment model in blended learning of argumentative writing

                             instruction. 165 students completed the questionnaire for this study, and five

                             lecturers  with  a  minimum  of  five  years  of  teaching  writing  experience

                             participated in semi-structured interviews.

                                  The  research  firstly  investigated  the  students’  views  regarding  the

                             important  of  writing  skills.  The  majority  of  students  (54.60  &  78.53  %)

                             believe  that  the  necessity  of  writing  skills  facilitates  their  participation  in

                             global  society  and  assists  them  in  composing  academic  texts  for  course

                             completion. The findings on teaching students to write academic papers were

                             consistent  with  the  conclusions  of  the  interviews,  which  confirmed  that

                             academic  writing  instructors  strive  to  improve  their  students'  ability  to

                             effectively communicate ideas in writing.

                               “Writing instruction attempts to improve students' abilities to communicate
                               their thoughts in a variety of contexts, such as academic activities”. (L3).

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