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feedback. In fact, they also need a clear scoring rubrics. The aforementioned

                               conclusions are consistent with the interview findings;

                               “I requested the students to read before class since I realized that their
                               inability to come up with ideas was due to their lack of knowledge of the
                               subject”. (L3).
                               "The lecturers had provided feedback but it was not effective due to time
                               constraints". (L1)
                               “I  rarely  asked  students  to  do  self-assessments  because  the  language
                               knowledge level varies from student to student, and it takes time. But once I
                               asked them to peer-assess, they asked me back and forth on how to evaluate
                               their friend's writing”. (L2, L3)
                                “There isn't a scoring rubric. The lecturers employ their own sources, so
                               that they occasionally interpret similar errors made by students in different
                               score.  We need, maybe one standard scoring system that every lecturer
                               should employ”. (L2).

                                   They could only improve their writing after they received comments or

                               feedback from their lecturer. They did not review and enhance their text on

                               their own if they did not receive comments. Even they never discussed their

                               text with their peer. The writing practices ended in the class.

                                      Concerning the aforementioned challenges in writing instruction, the

                               students  recommend  that  more  writing  activities,  instructor  support,  and

                               diverse feedback be prioritized (Figure 13).

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