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Table  7.  Specification  of  the  Multipurpose  Assessment  Model  in  the  blended
                                learning of Argumentative Text

                          No.            Aspects                           Description
                         1       Objectives of the Model  It is used to generate systematic feedback
                                                           for students and lecturers as a foundation for
                                                           continuous learning improvement,
                                                           specifically for students' writing skills.
                         2       Characteristics of the   1.  The learning process makes it possible to
                                 Model                        integrate the assessment process
                                                          2.  Learning is carried out using the
                                                              principles of formative assessment,
                                                              which integrates AaL, AfL, AoL.
                                                          3.  Learning is carried out using the GBA-
                                                              TBI and Flipped classroom approach
                                                              learning models
                                                          4.  The assessment processes are carried out
                                                              during the learning process
                                                          5.  There are a self- and peer-assessment
                                                          6.  Involving feedback from lecturers
                                                          7.  Integrating the use of ICT
                                                          8.  Lecturers and students use evidence
                                                              obtained in the learning and assessment
                                                              process to make continuous
                         3       Components of the        1.  Rational for developing the model
                                 Model                    2.  A lesson plan
                                                          3.  Observation protocols
                                                          4.  Students' worksheets
                                                          5.  The construct of the assessment
                                                              instrument for writing the argumentative
                                                          6.  Instruments for assessing writing skills
                                                              (writing test grid, the analytical scoring
                                                              rubric grid, the writing test, and the
                                                              analytical scoring rubric)
                                                          7.  Model usage guidebook
                         4       Procedures of the Model  Description regarding the process of using
                                 Implementation            the assessment model (planning process,
                                                           preparation, implementation, data collection,
                                                           data analysis, interpretation, and

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