P. 151
Table 11. Analytical Scoring Rubric
Writing Sub-elements Weight Range Adopted from
Elements of score
Introductory 2 2-8 (Brown &
Organization paragraph Abeywickrama,
(maximum Body 4 4-16 2018; Hyland,
score 32) paragraphs 2003)
Concluding 2 2-8
Content Relevance 2 4-16 (Chong & Ye,
(maximum Coherence 2 2-8 2021; O’Connell,
score is 24) Cohesion 2 2-8 2010; Weir, 1990)
Language Grammar 3 3-12 (Chong & Ye,
use 2021; O’Connell,
(maximum 2010; Weir, 1990)
score is 24) Vocabulary 3 3-12
Mechanics Spelling 1 1-4 (Brown &
(maximum Capitalization 1 1-4 Abeywickrama,
score is 12) Punctuation 1 1-4 2018; Chong &
marks Ye, 2021)
Length of the text 2 2-8 (Cumming et al.,
(maximum score is 8) 2005; Hale et al.,
The SA and PA sheets are the other instruments used in the
assessment process. While SA was developed to assist students in studying
their own writing, PA was created to help students examine their
classmates' texts. However, students were not required to give
scores because the goal of such exercises was to generate feedback to
engage students in improving their writing skills through the text they
created. SA and PA aim to empower students to self-monitor and improve
their text production without waiting for the lecturer to review it. The
instruments were made using an analytical scoring rubric. Furthermore,