P. 160

Table 17. The summary of guideline reviews

                                 No            Aspects                   Description             V
                                  1                               Book cover color selection      0.83
                                  2                              Book cover design                1.00
                                  3          Book design         Letter font size selection       0.83
                                  4                               Font style selection            1.00
                                  5                              Book layout                      1.00

                                  6                              Appropriateness of the
                                                                 chapter title and contents       0.92
                                        Chapter I: Introduction   Easy to understand the
                                                                 content                          1.00
                                  8                              Language selection               0.67

                                  9                              Appropriateness of the
                                        Chapter II: Theoretical   chapter title and contents      0.92
                                 10          Framework           Easy to understand the
                                                                 content                          1.00
                                 11                              Language selection               0.83

                                 12                              Appropriateness of the
                                       Chapter III: Assessment   chapter title and contents       0.92
                                 13         Model Profile        Easy to understand the
                                                                 content                          1.00
                                 14                              Language selection               0.67

                                 15                              Appropriateness of the
                                          Chapter IV: Model      chapter title and contents       0.92
                                           Implementation        Easy to understand the
                                              Guidelines         content                          1.00
                                 17                              Language selection               0.83
                                                                 Complete based on the
                                 18                              development model's
                                                                 component description            1.00
                                             Appendices          corresponds to the
                                                                 description of the
                                                                 development model's
                                                                 components                       1.00

                                     Table 17 reveals that, except for language selection for chapters one

                                     and two, practically all items have high validity since the validity of

                                     the  Aiken  index  is  greater  than  0.80.  However,  V2  suggested

   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165