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be undertaken, encompassing the participation of students, lecturers, and
raters. The findings from both tests indicate that, following the
implementation of suggested improvements, all products of the model are
deemed suitable for usage. Subsequently, an initial trial was undertaken on
the model's product, encompassing the participation of students and raters, to
evaluate the fit of the items and the consistency among the raters. According
to the MFRM analysis, the instrument build is deemed appropriate based on
the MFRM criteria. Aside from that, there is no variation in how raters assign
grades to students' writing. This demonstrates that the raters have
comprehended the statements contained in the developed rubric.
B. The Results of Model Evaluation and Revisions
This section presents the result of the main field testing in addressing the questions
relating to the qualities of the construct of the assessment instruments for assessing
students argumentative writing (RQ 3b) and the consistency between raters in
giving the scores (RQ 3c). The main field testing was carried out through the cycle
of the CAR. Therefore, the researcher discusses the procedure for incorporating the
GBA-TBI Model and blended learning into the instructional framework
before empirically examining the qualities of the assessment instruments and the
inter-rater reliability.