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understand the social context in which language communication occurs. Third,
ability to evaluate forms of speech through understanding sentence structure,
the relationship of its elements, how to express meaning, and the relationship
of the text as a whole, which is referred to as discourse analysis. Fourth,
strategic competence, which is the ability of an individual to choose acceptable
approaches and strategies to begin and conclude a conversation, pay attention
to the other party in the conversation, and other relevant strategies to complete
the communication process.
Canale and Swain (1980) claim that language usage principles are
only useful with grammar rules. They propose dividing the linguistic domain
into grammatical, sociolinguistic, and strategic competence. They believe that
communicative competence refers to the relationship and interaction between
grammatical and sociolinguistic competence or knowledge of the norms of
language use. Then, in 1983, they included discourse competence due to how
language users organize texts and their underlying meaning.
In addition, Celce-Murcia (2008) implemented the most recent change,
revising her schematic of communicative competence in greater detail. 1)
sociocultural competence, 2) discourse competence, 3) linguistic competence,
4) formulaic competence, 5) instructional competence, and 6) strategic
competence are all included in her model. Unlike, the previous scholars,
Bachman and Palmer (1996) developed this model to language assessment.
They claim that the results of a language test can be used as indicators of