Page 1 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2007
P. 1
Alumni Pres.Report 1
Undergrad. Pres.Report 1
Bernbaum Q&A 2
Chapter Officers 2
Alumni Officers .3 April 200'7
Honored Alumni .3
Undergrad.Chapter Report .4 1Il'---- fII
Initiates and Pledges .4 P_R_ES_I_DE_N_T---C'S'--R_E_P_o_RT
AlumniProfile,Warren James '84 ..5 Successful Scholarship, Choices and Cornerstone
Alumni Updates 6 Programs Designed to Increase GPA and Involvement
Lost List 6 in Campus and Fraternity Issues Show Results
Honor roll. .7 Recent Repairs and Upgrades Completed on Chapter House
Significant Sigs 8 By Jack Davis '56, Corporation President
IUPGRADED WEBSITEII Due to the supervision of Eric Rahn '75 and Arthur Baker '09 (Urbana) and John Leonard
Paul Bateman '03, many repairs and upgrades '09 (Rockford), undergraduate chapter co-
Upgraded Sigma to the chapter house have been completed-- chairmen, and Andrew Deutsch '06, our first
Chi Web Site! all prior to the start of the new school year. Ben C. Fisher Scholar.
Additionally, the installation of a fire sprinkler The Ben C. Fisher Scholar lives at the
When you visit system is finished. We had a very successful chapter house to influence the attitude and you 125-year reunion. So, I am happy to report that performance of scholarship in the chapter. The
will notice that there are some the spirit at Kappa Kappa remains high. scholarship goals of the chapter are designed
new and improved features, One of the goals of the Kappa Kappa House to make sure that every brother gets a grade
including: Corporation, in cooperation with the Kappa point average (GPA) over 2.5, has the support
Kappa Chapter, is the development of the of a scholarship mentor, and is prepared for
1. More criteria in the Scholarship Program. Bill McKinzie '81 and final exams.
directory for your members Rob Dauphinais '97, representing the House The efforts of these brothers and the high
to search on; Corporation and acting as alumni co-chairmen scholastic interest within the chapter have raised
of the Scholarship Program, have accepted this the chapter GPA from a spring semester 2007
2. Searchable alumni updates challenge. The Scholarship Program is having GPA of2.96 to a fall semester 2007 GPA of
that are organized by decade; great success with the aid and support of 3.04. Out of 113 active members, 101 received
3. A download center II~ (Continued on Page 3)
where alumni can go to UN_D_E_R_G_R_A_DU_A_J_E_R_EP_O_R_T
download everything from
past newsletters to a lost ". Undergraduate Chapter Increases Focus on Scholarship,
brother list; Initiates New Members, and Wins Award for Outstanding
Philanthropy at the Greek Oscars This Spring
4. An online chat feature House Improvements Add Pride and Comfort to Fraternity
where you can chat with
whomever else is online; and By Jason Detweiler '08, Consul
5. The ability to easily update The Kappa Kappa chapter is having an Oscars. Also, we have strived to participate
your contact information so incredibly active spring semester. Scholarship in more service projects.
you will continue to receive in the house continues to grow stronger Socially, the house has exchanges with the
Sigma Chi communications. and the house GPA continues rise, with the Delta Gammas, Alpha Chis, and Kappa Deltas;
implementation of an electronic study files and and numerous brotherhood events on our very
If you haven't visited the site capitalization of a group tutor program. busy schedule.
recently, make sure to check House improvements have included a We proudly celebrated the initiation of the
out these great new features new basketball hoop and volleyball posts, 2010 pledge class on March 10 and currently
today! You can register using replacement of the old furniture on Jones's have a strong class of2010.50's going through
the member 10 found above Porch, and a proposal for a game room table pledgeship. Even with these accomplishments
your name and address on this and TV are on their way. in a busy semester, the Kappa Kappa chapter
mailing and in the monthly In the way of philanthropy, the chapter has is always introducing new and exciting
eLetters. won both Delta Gamma Anchor Splash and improvements and projects for the betterment
Alpha Phi King of Hearts, along with placing of the house and the fraternity as a whole.
third in Outstanding Philanthropy at the Greek
The Illinois Sig Visit us on the web: 1