Page 1 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2008
P. 1
Jack David '54
Eric Rahn '75
Peter Steger '79
Steve Thayer '88 May 2008
Rob Dauphinais
Adam Miller '03 • ..>.....--_----=C::.:....:H=-=-::Ao..::...::..M=-=-P.=....=.A.=.....=1G::....:....;N=----=.R-=-=E:...=U-=--=N-=-=Io=::....::..N-=----_---"'-1II
Ryan Griffin '04
Paul Bateman '03 What Have You Been Doing During the Past SOYears?
Jim Hall '76 Kappa Kappa Class of 1957 Finds Out During Their
Matt Miazga '03 50 Reunion Celebration
Mark Anderson '77
by Skip Shaw '57
Advisor: Bill McKinzie
Advisor: Don Williams The Kappa Kappa class of 1957 celebrated 50 songs of our vintager. After dinner the Brothers
years since graduation in a fun-filled weekend gathered for a group photo and then sang the
OFFICERS in Champaign-Urbana. Sweetheart Song. As the
President: Eric W. Rahn Brothers Dick Cline
Treasurer: James E. Hall J~s the evening was rather evening was rather early,
Secretary: Steve Thayer '57 and Bob Klaus '57 early, some of us gathered some of us gathered again
Vice President: Jack Davis organized and orchestrated again at the hotel lounge at the hotel lounge not
Vice President: Steve Sarovich the events. Fourteen wanting this memorable
Brothers and many spouses not wanting this memorable weekend to come to
COMMITTEES attended, arriving on weekend to come to a close." a close.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Friday, October 5 for an We are already
Eric Rahn informal gathering and the talking about another
Jack Davis recall of many wonderful memories and a few event in five years - we had too much fun,
Steve Sarovich
interesting discoveries about what we had been Brothers attending were Dick Griffiths '57,
Steve Thayer doing over the last 50 years.
Peter Steger Tim MacMillan '57, Bob Klaus '57, Dax
On Saturday morning, we joined the McCracken '57, Dick Cline '57, John Ruth
PROPERTY MANAGEMENT masses of orange clad fans for a walk to the '57, Tom Luker '57, Paul Landgren '57, Pete
& OPERATIONS stadium where we found the Klausmobile Whitmer '57, Skip Shaw '57, Dave Fewkes
Paul Bateman - Chairman for a great tailgate party. The Illini beat '57, Hiles Stout '57, Bob O'Connell '57,
Eric Rahn Wisconsin in an exciting football game; then and Tom Klaus '57. Also attending were John
Jack Davis back to the Klausmobile for a cold beer or two "Chit Chat" Thompson '56, Craig Hart
Steve Sarovich and more snacks. '56, and Jack Davis '56. Lee Johnson '54
Saturday .cvcning we met at the Champaign also showed up at the tailgate and gave us a
FINANCE rundown on his class who were the influential
Jim Hall - Chairman Country Club for cocktails and an excellent seniors when we were pledges. Thanks to all
Eric Rahn dinner. Brother Cline entertained us with
Jack Davis his ukulele as we remembered beer-drinking for the memories.
Matt Miazga
Get Your Name on the 2007-08 Honor Roll!
ALUMNI RELATIONS Time is Running Out to Donate to the 2007-08 Annual Fund
Peter Steger - Chairman
Ryan Griffin Goal
Mark Anderson 526,000
525,000 • • •• Since September 1,2007, we have raised $17,420 from 142 gifts.
We need your support to meet our goal of $26,000.
Ryan Griffin - Chairman 520,000 Current
Paul Bateman Donate today by:
Adam Miller 515.000 • Visiting our Web site,;
Matt Miazga • Calling our toll-free hotline at 800-975-6699;
510,000 • Sending your check to:
RELATIONS Sigma Chi at Illinois
Bill McKinzie - Chairman 55,000 Alumni Relations Processing Center
Rob Dauphinais P.O. Box 7007
Albert Lea, MN 56007-8007.