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service,  for  which  the  authority  will  take  disciplinary  action  which  could  result  in  the
            termination of employment of such an employee.

            4.1.5 CONFLICT OF INTEREST
            Springsville International School is the primary job for employees. Should another position
            interfere in any way with the employee’s ability to satisfactorily perform his/her duties in
            the  organization,  the  employee  will  receive  disciplinary  action  which  may  lead  to
            termination of appointment.

            4.1.6    ACCESS TO PERSONNEL FILES

            Springsville  International  School  maintains  a  personnel  file  for  each  employee.  The
            personnel  file  includes  such  information  as  the  employee's  job  application,  resume,
            records  of  training,  documentation  of  performance  appraisals  and  salary  increases,  and
            other employment records.

            Personnel files are the property of the school, and access to the information they contain is
            restricted.  Generally,  only  management  staff  who  have  a  legitimate  reason  to  review
            information in a file are allowed to do so.

            4.1.7    PERSONAL DATA CHANGES

            It is the responsibility of each employee to promptly notify the school of any changes in
            personal  data  -personal  mailing  addresses,  telephone  numbers,  number  and  names  of
            defendants,  individuals  to  be  contacted  in  the  event  of  emergency,  educational
            accomplishments, and other such status reports should be accurate and current at all times.
            If  any  personal  data  has  changed,  the  staff  is  expected  to  notify  the  appropriate
            management staff.

            4.2    CODE OF CONDUCT
            The staff code of conduct contains a list of guiding principles expected of members of staff
            while at work. These principles include:

            4.2.1 PERSONAL CONDUCT
            Staff members are expected to maintain a firm and cordial relationship with both students
            and colleagues.

            4.2.2      STAFF IDENTIFICATION
            All members of staff are expected to wear visibly the official identification card while on
            duty. Visitors’ tags are also available for guests/visitors while on the premises.

            4.2.3  PERSONAL APPEARANCE
            Dressing, grooming, and personal cleanliness standards contribute to the morale of all staff
            and affect the business image the school presents to customers and visitors.
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