Page 132 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 132


                                        2020 Eastern Region Nomination Committee Candidates

                                            Francenia Britton-Sheppert has  been  a  member of Alpha  Chapter for
                                            seventeen years.  She has  served  as  First-Anti  Basileus,  Epistoleus, and
                                            Kudos  Advisor.   Her  proficient  telecommunications skills allowed  her  to
                                            perform  an excellent  job  as  Chapter Epistoleus.  As  a  member in  good
                                            standing, Francenia has attended more than three Regional Conferences and
                                            National Conclaves.  She is knowledgeable about public affairs and current
                                            trends in education. In the position as First Anti-Basileus, in addition to the
                                            duties of the office, she often assists in other areas as needed. She works well
           with all aspects of the YES program; however, she especially enjoys working with the
           Xinos and Kudos.

                                Wynelle Jackson has  been a member  of  Beta  Omicron Chapter for forty-five  years.
                                During  this  time,  she has  served her  chapter  as Basileus,  Executive Advisor, Tamias,
                                Tamiouchos, Dean of Pledgees, and Custodian of the Insignia.  She has been Chair of the
                                Budget, Past Basilei, Second Careers, Red and Gold Gala, and E.R.F.R.S. Committees,
                                and the Liaison between the Chapter and the Beta Omicron Anthropos.  On the Regional
                                level, she was elected Tamiouchos and was Chair of the Budget, Audit, and Anthropos
                                Committees.  In preparation for the Nominating Committee position, she has served on
                                the Chapter Nominating Committee several times, including as Chair.  She has also been
                                elected several times to the Nominating Committee in NCNW Queens County Section
                                and has been the Chair multiple times.  She was, most recently, elected to NCNW’s 2020
           Nominating Committee which just completed the 2020 election at the end of May.  Because the COVID-19
           pandemic prevented in person nominations and voting, Soror Jackson conducted nominations from the floor on
           the  Section meeting conference  call in  April.  Following that conference  call meeting, she set  up and
           administered an electronic voting process which allowed everyone to vote without leaving their homes.

                              Monica Lewis of Gamma Chapter has been a member for fourteen years. She has served in
                              the  positions Grammateus,  Second Anti-Basileus,  and Basileus.  Additionally, she has
                              chaired Gamma Homecoming, Literacy, Teach-a-Rama,  Public Relations, and Dean of
                              Pledges. Regionally, Monica held the positions of Literacy Chairperson and is currently the
                              Teach-a-Rama Chairperson. As a willing worker, since the day of her becoming a member,
                              she has been a member of several ER committees and is presently a member of the ER Rap
                              Dinner Committee and ER Membership Committee.

                                   Bettie McClairen is a nineteen  years member of  Xi Chapter. She has served as
                                   Second Anti-Basileus  and Epistoleus.  She was elected Epistoleus  for 2020-2022
                                   again. Bettie currently serves as Chapter Black History Chair, and Lead Advisor of
                                   Xinos. She has chaired the Vital Issues Breakfast and Commission on Civil Rights.
                                   Bettie has also served as Advisor for both Xinos and Kudos and other committees.
                                   Bettie has familiarized herself with the offices and their duties and responsibilities of
                                   NSPDK, Inc. She has attended ER Cluster meetings, Executive Council, and Regional
                                   Conferences. Regionally, Bettie currently serves on ER Membership Committee and
                                   Chair of the ER Educational Perspective.
                                   In the Chester Upland School District, she held the political office of School Director
                                   where she also served as President.

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