Page 186 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 186

National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.
                             "To Foster a Spirit of Sisterhood Among Teachers and to Promote the Highest Ideals of the Teaching Profession"
                                            CHAPTER ACTIVITY REPORT
                                                SORORAL YEAR _2019_
                                                           LOCATION: Trenton, New Jersey
               CHAPTER:  Pi
                                                              ANTI-BASILEUS: Dr. C. D. Heath-Johnson
               BASILEUS: Tayala Y. Wilson
                                                                           Day: Saturday  Time: 10:15 am
                                                          Week: 2 or 3
               CHAPTER GROWTH
               New Members (Krinon Club):  4    Financial Members: 36        Transfers:1    Reinstatements: 0
                                                      Y. E. S. PROGRAM
                                  Number of Members: 13
                                                               Number of Sorors: 3
            Exemplary Activities: Ryan's Cases For Smiles/Community Service Project Ryan's Case for
            Smiles was founded in 2007 with a simple goal: to create and distribute whimsical pillowcases that
            give children an emotional boost and remind them that they are not defined by their illness. On
            Monday, September 23rd, Xinos and Kudos worked with Ryan™s Cases for Smiles Facilitator,
            Julia Bannon to create about 20 pillowcases that were distributed to children currently hospitalized
            with cancer. Six sewing machines were buzzing, and everyone enjoyed the project. The activity
            was held at Mercer County Community College.
                                                               Number of Sorors: 3
                   KUDOS:     Number of Members: 3
            Exemplary Activities: In 2019, the Kudos and Xinos of Pi Chapter participated in numerous
            projects such as the Wisdom and Knowledge Speaker Series Workshops, Applebee™s Pancake
            Fundraiser, and the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen Community Service Project. This year™s
            intergenerational community service activity was Tea and Conversation held at the Clover
            Meadows Health and Rehabilitation Center in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. The Kudos and Xinos
            mingled with the seniors and engaged them in conversations about their lives. Small holiday gifts,
            entertainment, tea and cookies were also provided at the event. After visiting the nursing home,
            everyone experienced a renewed sense of community, perspective, and compassion.
                                                                                    Number of Sorors: 1
                    KAPPA OMICRON TAU (KOT): Number of Members: 0
            Exemplary Activities: Young women from local colleges and universities have continued to
            support NSPDK, Inc., Pi Chapter by attending and participating in events such as the annual
            Goldenred Scholarship Luncheon. Pi Chapter continues to investigate strategies to engage them in
            formally joining the K.O.T. Committee.
                   HUB PARENTS:      Number of Members: 13    Number of Sorors: 3
            Exemplary Activities: The HUB Parents supported all of the 2019 Xinos and Kudos Youth
            Activities both personally and financially. They assisted in organizing the sign-in sheets and
            workshop materials, provided refreshments, and supported Ivey Avery, Zinos and Kudos            1
            Committee Chairperson, with workshop presenters and activities as directed. They met monthly to
            plan and implement fundraisers to support financially the Zinos and Kudos excursions such as the
            Leadership Conference and cultural trips to New York City. The HUB Parents are a vital resource        2
            for the Zinos and Kudos and Pi Chapter.
             e      SCHOLARSHIP
                    National Scholarship Recipient             4
                              National Scholarship Participants (Number): 2
                    Regional Scholarship Recipient         2
                              Regional Scholarship Participants (Number): 0
                    Chapter Scholarship Recipient          1
                              Chapter Scholarship Participants (Number): 8
                    Amount of the Award                   $3,100.00
                                            Amount of the awards:  $5,500
                    Perpetual Scholarship Foundation Inc: Amount of Gift: $905.00
                              Perpetual Scholarship Foundation, Inc., amount of gift: $450
              LITERACY                                                                                        207
                      READING:  Number of Sorors: 10  Description of the Activity: Seven of our Sorors
              participate in After School and Night School tutoring programs for student in Elem., Middle, and High
              school. The children are helped with their homework, and exposed to activities that they are unable to
              get during the regular school day.  Student are mentored in public speaking for an annual Chester City
              wide Oratorical contest. A few of our retired Soror read to children in different day cares and
              elementary school. Youth Advisors assist the Xinos and Kudos with improving their writing skills and
              completing applications for jobs and scholarships.
                      AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY: No. of Sorors: 12    Xinos: 12    Kudos:  10     Others: 8
              Description of the Activity: The Mistress of Ceremonies for this program was Soror Bettie McClairen.
              The program began with the singing of Black National Anthem and continued with a portrayal of
              Marian Anderson by Soror Felecia Laury.  Soror Regina Rowland-Perry educated the audience with
              some important Black History Facts.  Xi Chapter Xinos and Kudos were part of a musical presentation
              along with the Voices of Xi (Basileus Payne, Sorors Williams, Laury, & Howie.  Guest speaker Pastor
              Curtis D. Morris, from Bethany Baptist Church, gave a very dynamic speech followed by the Steppers
              from Chester High School.  The Program closed with Black History Trivia Contest with gift cards for
              TECHNOLOGY/COMPUTERS: Number of Sorors:  15   Number of Participants: 15
              Description of the Activity: Technology workshops were held focusing on working with documents,
              using email and becoming more equipped with our smart phones. The workshops have been very
              informative.  The majority of the Sorors had been unable to perform these tasks prior to the workshops.
              As a result, the chapter has become more technologically savvy.  We will continue to explore various
              functions as the need demands.
              Number of Sorors: 5    Others: 4    Description of the Activity: Sorors donated 500 pairs of beautiful
              socks in all colors and sizes to Stetser Street Elementary School.  The socks were delivered the week
              before Christmas Holiday.  The socks were packaged in beautifully decorated plastic containers and
              presented to  Soror Lavada Green, Principal.  It was hopeful that it would be easy for the school to
              provide socks for any student coming to school without them.  We made sure that Phi Delta Kappa was
              visible by wearing our colors and symbols as we interacted with some of the Staff.  It was an overall
              rewarding day. In November the chapter Adopts-A-Family  from a list compiled by the local Social
              Service agency for give gifts and money to for the Christmas holiday. The family consisted of I parent
              ((father) and 5 children. Three Sorors were available to deliver the toys and gift card of $250 to the
              family 2 weeks before the holiday.
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