Page 12 - nou Systems handbook Draft Rev13 (2021) (1)
P. 12

Every reported complaint will be investigated thoroughly and promptly in accordance with
               applicable law. Qualified personnel will conduct the investigation in a fair, timely, thorough
               and impartial manner that will provide all parties with appropriate due process. Typically,
               the investigation will include the following steps: an interview of the employee who lodged
               the complaint to obtain complete details regarding the complaint; interviews of anyone
               who is alleged to have committed the acts that are the subject of the complaint; and
               interviews of any employees who may have witnessed, or who may have knowledge of,
               the  alleged  complaint.  nou  Systems  expects  all  employees  to  cooperate  in  the
               investigation. The investigation will be documented, tracked for reasonable progress and
               concluded in a timely manner. Reasonable conclusions will be reached based upon the
               evidence  collected.  The  HR  Manager  or  other  Company  official  responsible  for  the
               investigation,  will  notify  the  employee  who  lodged  the  complaint,  as  well  as  the
               individual(s) against whom the complaint was made, of the results of the investigation.
               The investigation will be handled in as confidential a manner as possible consistent with
               a  full,  fair,  and  proper  investigation  (the  Company  cannot  promise  complete
               confidentiality; the employer’s duty to investigate and take corrective action may require
               the  disclosure  of  information  to  individuals  with  a  need  to  know).  If  misconduct  or
               inappropriate  behavior  is  determined  to  have  occurred,  appropriate  remedial  and/or
               disciplinary steps, such as coaching, counseling, a written or verbal warning, suspension,
               or termination, will be taken to deter any further offending behavior. All employees should
               also know that if they engage in unlawful harassment, they may be held personally liable
               for the misconduct.

               We  take  concerns  about  discrimination,  harassment,  and  retaliation  complaints  very
               seriously and want the opportunity to resolve any problems. While we encourage you to
               use the internal process described in this policy, please know that you may file a complaint
               with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or applicable state agency
               (for instance, in California, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing)
               (collectively, the Agency).

               The Agency has offices in every state as listed on the Equal Employment Opportunity
               Commission’s          website:  and  on  the  Equal  Employment
               Opportunity poster located in the Company’s premises. The Agency will investigate and
               attempt to resolve the dispute. If the Agency finds evidence of discrimination, harassment,
               or retaliation, the Agency may pursue the matter through its formal accusation and public
               hearing process, or a lawsuit filed on the complainant’s behalf. Possible remedies include
               reinstatement,  backpay,  promotion,  change  in  nou  Systems  policies  and  procedures,
               emotional distress damages, and fines.

               Employees at nou Systems are employed on an at-will basis unless otherwise stated in
               a written individual employment agreement signed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
               of the Company. This means that the employment relationship may be terminated at any
               time  with  or  without  reason  or  advance  notice  by  either  the  employee  or  the
               Company.  Nothing in this Handbook limits the right to terminate at-will employment.

               nSI Employee Handbook                         12                                Rev. 4 (2021))
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