Page 29 - nou Systems Employee Handbook Final
P. 29

•  If the purchase is approved, the employee is authorized to make the purchase with their
                       corporate credit card. If the purchase is one such that a credit card cannot be used, the
                       employee will inform the Supervisor and payment will be made in an alternate manner.
                   •  If the  purchase is  not  approved,  the Supervisor notifies  the employee and provides
                   •  After the purchase is complete, the employee will provide the receipt to the Accounts

               7.9 Visitors
               To ensure the safety and security of nou Systems, Inc. and its employee’s, only authorized visitors
               are permitted on Company premises and in Company facilities. Send advance notification to our
               Facility Security Officer (FSO) for all visitors needing authorization.

               All visitors must enter through the main reception area and sign in and out at the front desk. All
               visitors are required to show a photo ID, and U.S. citizenship must be confirmed. All visitors must
               wear a “Visitor” badge indicating an escort is required while on nSI premises. Authorized visitors
               will be escorted  to  their destination and must be accompanied  by a  representative  of  the
               Company at all times. On occasion, long-term visitors (e.g., of our Prime contractors) may be
               granted facility access  during working  hours, and also access to closed  areas,  for a contract
               supported in the nSI Closed Area. This access must be granted by the FSO.

               Foreign National visitors will require inputs from Security and IT to ensure export control and
               safeguarding requirements are met prior to the visit, and Security must be notified in advance.
               Badges will identify Foreign Nationals as needed.

               In some cases, the Company will permit unescorted access in the space considered public space
               provided no classified meeting is being held in the large conference room.  The public space is
               the lobby, main kitchen, bathrooms, and large conference room.  In the case of an unclassified
               meeting, the Company may not always require a VAR, but will verify citizenship and identity via
               an official picture ID before permitting access. No one is permitted access past the public space
               unless they are escorted with the above noted exception for long term visitors under special
               circumstances with a VAR on file.

               Visitors  are allowed in  accordance  with your  non-nou Systems’  workplace  requirements  but
               should be kept to a reasonable limit (e.g., 5 minutes or less except during your break periods).
               Keep in mind that nou Systems has Non-Disclosure Agreements with Customers. No visitor entry
               is permitted in Secure Areas.

               7.10 Employment Offers
               When you joined  the Company, you executed  an Employment Offer letter  which sets forth
               certain basic terms of the employment relationship. The terms of your Employment Offer will be
               in addition to the policies, practices, and procedures of this Handbook. However, if there is a
               conflict between the terms of your Employment Offer and this Handbook, the terms of your

               nSI Employee Handbook                         29                                Rev. 4 (2021))
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