Page 31 - nou Systems Employee Handbook Final
P. 31

8.4 Working Time
               Normal working hours for most Company projects are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through
               Friday, however, these hours may be adjusted depending on work location, business needs, or
               employee needs. nou-Systems allows breaks according to State laws.

               For non-exempt employees only, any break over 15 minutes will be unpaid, unless that break is
               interrupted, and work is performed during the break.

               Lactation Accommodation

               nou Systems recognizes the right of employees to request  lactation    accommodation      and
               accommodates lactating employees  by providing a reasonable amount  of break time and a
               suitable lactation location to any employee who desires to express breast milk for the employee’s
               infant child.  The location provided for lactation will be private (shielded from view and free from
               intrusion from co-workers and the public while the employee is lactating) and located close to
               the employee’s work area. The location  will be safe, clean, and  free  of toxic or hazardous
               materials; have a surface to place a breast pump and other personal items; have a place to sit;
               and have access to electricity or alternative devices (e.g., extension cords and charging stations)
               that may be needed to operate an electric or battery-powered breast pump.  The Company will
               also provide access to a refrigerator suitable for storing milk and a sink with running water in
               proximity to the employee’s work area. The lactation location will not be a restroom.

               Employees who need lactation accommodation should contact the Human Resources to make
               their accommodation request. Requests may be provided orally, by email, or in writing, and need
               not be submitted on a specific  form.  Discrimination or retaliation against employees for
               exercising their lactation accommodation rights is prohibited. Employees who believe that they
               were not provided the opportunity to take a lactation break under this policy should inform
               Human Resources or another member of management immediately.  In addition, employees in
               California have the right to file a complaint with the Labor Commissioner for any violation of
               lactation accommodation rights under the California Labor Code.

               Reasonable Accommodation

               To ensure equal employment opportunities to qualified individuals with a disability, nou Systems
               will  make reasonable  accommodations for the known  disability of  an otherwise qualified
               employee or applicant, unless undue hardship on the operation of the business would result.

               Employees who may require a reasonable accommodation should contact Human Resources.
               The Company will not retaliate against you for requesting a reasonable accommodation and will
               not knowingly tolerate or permit retaliation by management, employees or co-workers.

               8.6 Anniversary Date
               Your anniversary date is established upon your date of  hire.  Your anniversary date  affects
               eligibility and extent of participation in some programs or benefits.

               nSI Employee Handbook                         31                                Rev. 4 (2021))
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