Page 5 - Trooper Summer 2021
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They also raise awareness of the sacrifices  made by the first responders while  serving and protecting their
        communities throughout Southern New England. They rode their bicycles this year for 21 heroes that paid the
        ultimate sacrifice. After year round fundraising, Andy, President of the SNE Brotherhood Ride will be delivering
        a monetary donation to the families who lost their loved ones in 2022. The organization is a nonprofit, no one
        collects a pay check and all of their time is donated. All proceeds, other than the cost of the ride, are donated back
        to the families. This year’s cycling for the falling ride concluded this past weekend. The SNE Brotherhood Riders
        cycled 3 days, in heat, humidity and wind to accomplish their mission to HONOR our fallen with DEDICATION
        and PRIDE to assure that we will NEVER FORGET their sacrifice.

                                           On Saturday, May 29, 2021, the
                                           Wilmington Police Department
                                           honored fallen Trooper Thomas
                                           Devlin.       Wilmington     PD
                                           organized a parade that stopped
                                           at the Devlin’s residence. A
                                           small ceremony took place.
                                           The bag pipes played and taps
                                           was sounded. The ceremony
                                           concluded with a wreath that was
                                           presented to the Devlin family.
                                           Special thanks to the Wilmington
                                           Police Department, their honor
                                           guard and members of the SP
          Trooper Thomas Devlin. End of    Concord barracks.                  Troopers from SP Concord attended the
        Watch: Thursday, September 3, 2020                                       event in honor of Trooper Devlin.

                                  The Devlin family, members of SP Concord, and Wilmington PD

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