Page 7 - Trooper Summer 2021
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The Metro Team has pulled some serious narcotics as well as firearms off the streets in their respective patrol
        areas. Most recently, an investigation into a Latin King associate in Lowell lead to the execution of a search warrant that
        resulted in the recovery of two illegal firearms. A State Trooper who specializes in undercover police work utilized his skills
        in the purchase of three out of the six recovered illegal firearms during the course of this investigation.

               Undercover State Troopers work tirelessly across the state with multiple Gang Unit teams as well as teams from the
        Commonwealth Interstate Narcotics Reduction Enforcement (CINRET) Section in purchasing various amounts of fentanyl
        and crack cocaine from dealers, eventually leading to search warrants granted by respective courts, and more of the same
        product recovered during execution of the search warrants.
               Heading toward South Eastern MA for the New Bedford Team, unit members conducted a motor vehicle stop on a
        vehicle for multiple infactions. During the stop, the driver admitted his license was suspended. A subsequent search of the
        vehicle revealed a loaded firearm. The New Bedford Team recently conducted an investigation into a street level fentanyl
        dealer in Fall River. Unit members covered an Undercover State Trooper during street level buys, and eventually sought
        and were granted a search warrant of the apartment and vehicle of the target in Fall River, resulting in 64 grams of fentanyl
        combined, recovered from the apartment and vehicle of the target.

               The Boston Team along with BPD Gang Unit members have made an unbelievable effort with numerous firearms
        arrests in the city. One such recent firearm arrest lead to the Team being informed by BPD Homicide detectives that one
        such arrested party was identified as the suspect in a homicide, which was caught on camera. The homicide had occurred
        in Boston two weeks prior. Amazing work so far this year by the Boston team, and they haven’t let up.

                 In  Late  June,  members  of  the  Brockton  Team  conducted  a  motor  vehicle  stop  on  a  heavily  tinted  vehicle
        after observing several infractions. Immediately upon stopping the vehicle, unit members observed the operator and
        sole occupant rise and move rapidly throughout the vehicle. Unit members conducted an exit order and pat frisk, and
        immediately upon doing so, observed in plain view a clear plastic bag behind the drivers seat, containing suspected crack
        and powder cocaine. This bag was later determined to be 14 grams of both crack and cocaine powder. That’s certainly not
        all: A further search incident to arrest yielded a loaded Glock 9mm containing a fully loaded fifteen round magazine and
        total of sixteen rounds of ammunition, located within the natural void of the vehicles sunroof. Strong work by the Brockton

               For the last month, the MSP Gang Unit has participated in the Western MA Initiative, assisting Springfield, Holyoke,
        and Chicopee PD’s respectfully as the cities continued to be plagued criminal activity. The unit has assisted our local
        partners in street level UC buys, warrant services, just to name a few.

                 In  the  aftermath  of  the  shooting  of  Trooper  John
        Lennon on the Cape last fall, a Gang Unit Trooper, along with
        fellow  Unit  members  and  investigators  from  Cape  &  Islands
        SPDU,  played  a  critical  role  in  identifying  the  suspect  in  the
        shooting.  The  Troopers  dedication  and  determination  along
        with his years of training and experience helped identify Andre
        Sterling,  who  Cape  &  Islands  SPDU  issued  a  warrant  for  his
        arrest for the shooting of Trooper Lennon as a result. I think we
        all know how that story ended.

               In closing, the Gang Unit would be remiss if we didn’t
        recognize  two  long  time  Gang  Unit  members  who  left  our
        ranks  this  year,  one  by  means  of  retirement,  one  by  means
        of promotion/ transfer: Sergeant Michael” Mugsy” McCarthy
        (ret), and Detective Lieutenant Erik Telford. Unit Commander
        Detective Lieutenant Mario Millet said it best in his own words:

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