P. 71

the king Maharajo Dipang continued his journey to China and

               became king there, and Maharajo Alif returned home. to his
               home  country,  the  Ruhun  Continent.  The  word  Ruhun  is

               interpreted by most experts as Eastern Roman under the rule of

               the Ottoman Turks. The sound of Ruhun has similarities with
               Rum which means Roman.

                     According to Azyumardi Azra:
                            Ruhun continent which means Byzantine is Rome

                     under  Turkish  rule.  In  Minangkabau,  for  example,
                     according  to  tambo  (local  pseudo-historical  history),

                     the  Minangkabau  universe  was  created  from  "Nur

                     Muhammad" along with two other realms, each Ruhun
                     Continent (literally, the Roman Continent, namely the

                     Ottoman  Turks)  who  held  the  hegemony  of  Western
                     power;  and  the  continent  of  China,  the  holder  of  the

                     hegemony of power in the East.
                     The  three  related  regions  at  that  time  were

               Minangkabau, Eastern Rome (aka the Ottomans and China in

               Asia) which was ruled by three kings, namely Maharajo Alif in
               Rumawi, Maharajo Dipang in China and Maharajo Dirajo in

               Minangkabau. and it is said that the Minangkabau world was

                  42 Azyumardi Azra, the Middle East Ulama Network and the
           Archipelago of the XVII and XVIII centuries, (Bandung: Mizan, 1994), p. 45
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