P. 67

in the dynamics of harmony, they in each become one to be

                  together and each to become the same to be alone.
                  On the other hand, in the koto piliang the traditional flow

           is hierarchical, meaning that power comes from the king and goes

           down to the lower levels of society, as custom symbolizes. In the
           adat mamangan it is stated: The Batangga custom goes up, and the

           bajanjang goes down. (Indigenous steps up, and tiered down).
                  The power in this system is very bureaucratic, arranged in

           tiers  from  top  to  bottom  or  vice  versa,  and  from  this  system
           emerges a feudalistic understanding that is nobility in nature. So

           there are groups of people who are respected on the basis of their

           close kinship with the king or their nobility. Therefore, the koto
           piliang school adheres to paternalistic understanding, which is a

           system of government that is passed down from father to son, and
           aristocratic  in  which  the  government  places  the  nobility  as  the

                  For more details, see the following comparison:

                  1.  Koto  Piliang;As  a  traditional  gatherer,  Datuk

                      Ketumanggungan is aristocratic in nature with a “patah
                      tumbuah  ilang  baganti”  (broken  growth  and  loss  of

                      change). A ruler or Datuk who can no longer carry out

                  38 AA Navis, Alam Takambang Becomes a Teacher and Minangkabau
           Culture, (Jakarta: Graffiti Press, 1984), Cet. 1st, h. 60
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