P. 64
Different nagari, different customs.
The existence of the last two types of adat shows that adat
is inclusive, very open to renewal and at the same time provides
space to change towards dynamism. The concept of customary
education number five is open (inclusive).
E. Alignment
Lareh literally means "conformity" which symbolizes the
achievement of agreement between the two ancestors of the
traditional gatherers, namely Datuk Perpatih nan Sabatang and
Datuk Ketumanggungan who have different opinions about
custom. Furthermore, in this conformity, an agreement was
reached that both sects had a place in the Minangkabau customary
territory, and it was the community who judged which of the two
sects was more acceptable to members of the community.
There are streams used in society that are geographical in
nature, meaning that one of the sects is used as a whole by a nagari,
but in general what is more widely adopted is that in one nagari
there are both schools and some are mixed (syncretism). In the
Bodi Caniago school, which is more populist, it is depicted in the
way of making decisions with a deliberation system to reach
consensus, while in the Koto Piliang school, it is depicted an
36 Idrus Hakimy, Mustika Series, p. 117, which means: Different
depths of fish, different fields of weeds, different villages, different customs.