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husband or wife of his child. To anticipate, a Minang person is
required by custom to understand the conditions as above in order
to be able to sympathize and empathize. Empathy is an attitude of
recognizing other people's feelings or judging someone from that
person's perspective.
The forms of Minang literature include rhymes, seloka,
talibun, gurindam, kaba, petitih proverbs, proverbs, pituah,
proverbs, figures of speech etc. However, not all forms are
discussed in this thesis, because of the limitations of their use,
therefore they were chosen to the extent that they are suitable for
the purpose of this thesis analysis.
J. proverbs
1. proverb
As described above, the Minang customary doctrine is
rooted in the provisions and laws of nature. To express or
produce the natural law in the form of words or fifths, he needs
a container, one of which is called a proverb. According to AA
The proverb is a sentence that supports the basis
of Minangkabau natural philosophy which comes from
the takambang nature as a teacher. Nature is true,
certain and unchanging. As the saying goes, the actual
custom does not rot because the rain doesn't bend