P. 99

You are the village head.

                  If made into petitih
                       You are the hills of Samo Mandaki

                       You are the village head of Samo Manurun

                     By inserting the word "samo" it can be seen that natural
               law is one with customary law.

           K.  Mamangan
                  Etymologically  mamang  or  mamangan  means  grip,  in

           meaning it means grip on life. Navis stated that:
                         Mamangan  is  a  collection  of  words  or  sentences

                  that contain meaning as a guide to human life in the form

                  of  suggestions,  orders  or  prohibitions.  Of  course  it  is  a
                  thought.  In  terms  of  form,  mamangan  consists  of  two

                  sentences of two to four words each. It can stand alone or
                  be part of a rhyme.
                  Example :
                         child on my lap,

                         how to be guided

                         child on my lap,

                         nephew guided

                  57 AA Navis, Alam Takambang Becomes a Teacher, p. 259
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